Afterward, though, that squeal and vibration are still there. What gives—did you get ripped off? Probably not. More likely, it’s time to roll up your own sleeves and swap out some worn or dry front wheel bearings.
The squeal coming from the front end of your high-end German sport sedan is embarrassing. Not only do passersby do double takes, but when you recently gave your boss a ride across town,
he couldn’t hear his cellphone ring. So you drop a handful of C-notes for a complete brake job. Afterward, though, that squeal and vibration are still there. What gives--did you get ripped off? Probably not. More likely, it’s time to roll up your own sleeves and swap out some worn or dry front wheel bearings.
Unlike typical American rear-drive cars, European models generally employ permanently sealed front wheel bearings. (Same goes for just about every front-wheel-drive vehicle on the planet, but that’s a story for another day.)
Wheels has its own importance in the cars but the wheel bearing is embarrassing when it squeal and creates a lot of problems to the owner as well as the passing by peoples, so it is highlighted nicely above, That is the reason why people advertise Auto Mechanic job to find a trained and qualified Mechanics across the country that matches their requirements.